The 2nd ILO (Samoyed)
It's so yummy.
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It's so yummy.
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The Second ILO will be on 10 September 2021 , start around 18:20 pm (GMT+7), PRECISE START BLOCKTIME WILL BE CONFIRM HERE AGAIN, this secound ILO is new way of yield farming, NFT perpetual lotto and NFT Gaming, please check out on their website and social media.
There will be an AMA, pr, marketing campaign though many social media platforms.
An ILO will be SOFTCAP and HARDCAP, if softcap has been reached Samoyed Finance Token will be listed as a new pool @Cafeteria on 15 September 2021 after migration new cafeteria with boost 4X Multiplier for 2 weeks. START-BLOCK at - 10791000 (Approximate 10 September 2021, 18:20 GMT+7) END-BLOCK at - 10860000 (Approximate 13 September 2021, 3:50 GMT+7) ILO Approximate during 2 Days and a half, START-BLOCK and END-BLOCK might be slightly change due to bsc blocktime delay or early. *Due to limit amount of Samoyed Finance Token per lp, price should be 0.1$, we have set only once before ILO, during and ILO LP price per Samoyed Finance Token will not be adjusted.
These are details
2,000,000 Samoyed Finance Token will be use to an ILO
First come first serve
Samoyed Finance Token address 0xBdb44DF0A914c290DFD84c1eaf5899d285717fdc
Samoyed Finance Token price is approximate 0.1$ / Token
1 LP will get 428.1738386 Samoyed Finance Token (calculate at BNB price = 417.35$ / USD)
Softcap(All) is 1,167.75 LP (BNB-COUPON) Approximate 50,000$
Hardcap(All) is 4,671 LP (BNB-COUPON) Approximate 200,000$
Hardcap(Regular Meal) is 4231 LP (BNB-BUSD) Approximate 1,811,603.51102548 Samoyed Finance Token
Hardcap(Happy Meal) is 440 LP (BNB-BUSD) Approximate 188,396.488974524 Samoyed Finance Token
Regular Meal limit per transaction 100 LP / Wallet / 3-Block confirmation
Happy Meal is 5 LP + 2 *Grocery Coupon (This is also minimum purchased per transaction)
Happy Meal limit per transaction 50 LP + 20 Grocery Coupon / Wallet / 3-Block confirmation
No max limit per wallet only limit per transaction
If softcap goal has been met, COUPON and GROCERY COUPON will be burn and BNB go Samoyed DEV WALLET.
*you can either use grocery coupon from 1st vote or 2nd vote , anyway both grocery coupon version will be expired on 31 Dec 2021.
ILO will take place on IDeO Platform called BIOLAB