1# Dual Fair-Lunch 🍱
Let's have a lunch together!!!
What is a Fair-Launch? 🚀
Process uses by other platform that the seller will provide LP of governance token for all to buy without pre-sale or air minting by Developer.
Sound Good? Huh? but a lot of problems occurs and it is actually unfair to normal users.
🤖 Bots are un-avoidable most of the time. These bots are monitoring our Router for new liquidity and try to buy it first and sometimes front running normal users. Yes, we can out smart these bots but we have a better idea!
What is a Dual Fair-Lunch? 🍱
Dual means two ✌️ , it means 2 ways to sell our coupons.
Fair-Lunch Pool - Same as existing Fair-Launch, we will provide Coupon-WBNB 20,000 Coupon 70 WBNB
Fixed rate Coupon selling page
Use WBNB-BUSD Foodcourt LPs to trade with Coupon Token
Limit 10 LP per transaction per wallet per block (Yes, it is our technique to prevent scripts or bots)
Limit 180,000 Coupon
Coupon price 1.25$ (Estimate 1 LP WBNB-BUSD ~ 29.3 Coupon)
From 8234567 Blocks - To 8237654 Blocks (Approximate 3 hours)
if $COUPON do not sold out , the rest will be burn.
WBNB-BUSD that foodcourt recieved will be use to pay an AUDITOR , Development team , Marketing, CommunityManager and reserve for use for future event.
How to get WBNB-BUSD LP
Want to fight against bot ?
there are many possible way that customer can do after a few moment of fair lunch
you can stake coupon in snackbar to earn more coupon and don't effect impermanent loss
you can buy at exchange if you think coupon price is too low.
you can sell at exchange if you think coupon price is too high.
you can provide and lp BNB <=> Coupon , BUSD <=> Coupon if you think lp price is good enough
Contract Address
Dual-Fair-Lunch : 0x7fF085924a2555a396D2260Fb05CC749Cf5dABB1
Last updated
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