The next big things
GC V1 are expire on 31 dec 2021 - user can use for buy t-shirt and also hoodies from (we'll update details soon)
GC V2 are extende expiry date to 31 march 2022
New emission rate will be fix to 3 coupon. (We think it's ok for now, we might change later.)
New IFF will be avaliable first play on this friday night 5 nov 2021.
There wil be also new mini-game called gachapon within next months.
Multiplers from vote will be adjust once a month.
KSW Token Listing on Cafeterai fl2. with 8x multiplier boost up for 1 month. Later will be adjust equal to others ILO Token
There is no KSW on snackbar fl2.
This months users can farm BNB <=> Coupon at latteswap, we're on board listed on latteswap we've prepare 25,000$ COUPON to be reward for users who farm at latteswap. see details here, Prepare your BNB <=> Coupon Lp to get latte as a reward, and if user stake latte to get bean user can also earn more coupon at Dripbar
We've decommissioned Snackbar for WMMP, kTUK, STU only reserver for ILO and platform that paid 10,000 coupon for 0.1X emission and lock 10,000 coupon for 1 month.
We're in progress of buy back and burn from KSW ILO, We will disclose our action to prevent price speculation, we extend buy back from 7 days to 14 days.
We reserve some of KSW ILO 25,000$ fund to Gashapon (It's like user pay $COUPON as a ticket and got lucky to win a price like ETH, BTC or others token reward), For example we just brought 500$ KSW at 0.17$ now ksw are 0.37$ and this will be reserve as Gashapon
We reserve some of KSW ILO 2,500$ COUPON to boosted auto-compound with
We reserve sore fo KSW ILO Worth of 5000$ COUPON to be a reward pool for
New use case for $COUPON
We've just close a deal to collaborate with to use $COUPON as a in-game token, in order to play a game user have to deposit $COUPON to cCOUPON then user will be able to play a game, and if user won user will get cCOUPON as a reward, after that user can withdraw cCOUPON to COUPON which ratio of conversion is 1:1.
This is a huge move for our foodcourt community user can enjoy more than 50+ games in luckylion platform.
KSW ILO Buyback is done
We've buyback and burn over 7 millions coupon. and here are all liquidity that we have now
Here are remains
We have 32,500$ USDT
25000$ will be use for Gashapon
2500$ will be use for killswitch boost feature.
5000$ will be use for price pool.
We have 10,000$ BUSD
Use for emergency reward for price pool (Incase of price pool jackpot has been drain out)
Use for extra reserve 100,000 Coupon for IFF every week.
Use for more boosted killswitch boost feature in future.
Use to pay KillSwitch fullnode services
Use for community manager services.
Use for buyback coupon when their are any others collboration event in future.
Last updated
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