The 1st ILO (Loremboard) and so much more
Enormous announcement
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Enormous announcement
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Dear Great customers,
It's been almost 2 months that we've been together now our dev team has a lot of information that we would like to give it to you. Please read though each topics.
The first ILO will be Loremboard on 31 July 2021 , start around 20:00 pm (GMT+7), PRECISE START BLOCKTIME WILL BE CONFIRM HERE AGAIN, this first ILO is very interesting please check out on their website and social media.
There will be an AMA, pr, marketing campaign though many social media platforms.
An ILO will be SOFTCAP and HARDCAP, if softcap has been reached Loremboard will be listed as a new pool @Cafeteria with boost 4X Multiplier for 2 weeks. STARTBLOCK at - 9631555 (Approximate 31 July, 20:00 GMT+7) ENDBLOCK at - 9689000 (Approximate 02 Aug, 20:00 GMT+7) ILO Approximate during 2 Days, startblock and endblock might be slightly change due to bsc blocktime delay or early. *Due to limit amount of lorem token per lp price should be 0.1$, we have set once before ILO, during and ILO LP price per loremtoken will not be adjusted.
These are details
4,200,000 LoremToken will be use to an ILO
First come first serve
Lorem token address 0x401d9c80b8f349c462c1f85f16f0e7158216d98b
Lorem token price is approximate 0.1$ / Token
1 LP will get 65.90927543 Lorem TOKEN (calculate at coupon price = 0.039$)
Softcap(All) is 6,754.929630355 LP (BNB-COUPON) Approximate 50,000$
Hardcap(All) is 56,741.4088949821 LP (BNB-COUPON) Approximate 420,000$
Hardcap(Regular Meal) is 44,741.4088949821 LP (BNB-COUPON) Approximate 3,311,759.806788 Lorem TOKEN
Hardcap(Happy Meal) is 12,000 LP (BNB-COUPON) Approximate 888,240.193212 Lorem TOKEN
Regular Meal limit per transaction 700 LP / Wallet / 3-Block confirmation
Happy Meal is 5 LP + 1 Grocery Coupon (This is also minimum purchased per transaction)
Happy Meal limit per transaction 100 LP + 20 Grocery Coupon / Wallet / 3-Block confirmation
No max limit per wallet only limit per transaction
If softcap goal has been met, COUPON and GROCERY COUPON will be burn and BNB go LOREM Token DEV WALLET.
ILO will take place on IDeO Platform called BIOLAB
We need to make an multiplier adjustment for cafeteria and snackbar after listing Lorem Token farm and pool. These are new multiplier rate.
New listing farm; BNB <=> LOREM (4X)
BNB <=> BUSD (6x) => (5x)
KMATIC <=> BNB (3x) => (2x)
KMATIC <=> MATIC (3x) => (2x)
WMMP <=> BNB (2x) => (1x)
WMMP <=> BUSD (2x) => (1x)
WSAFEMOON <=> BNB (1x) => (0.5x)
WSAFEMARS <=> BNB (1x) => (0.5x)
USDT <=> BUSD (1x) => (1.5x)
New listing pool; LOREM (0.3x)
rMMP (0.05X) => (INACTIVE)
Security is first priority of foodcourt platform, we will fix critical issues and bugs on our smart contract. We will fix everything after first ILO. We might have to migrate our master chef smart contract, but don't worry everything will be transit smoothly and we will notify user 24 hour in advance.
We've been contracted from bankcex 110# exchange on earth sorted by Coinmarketcap, but we're not sure this should be done or not ?
There will be price for listed on cex, our dev team are cover for that price. But if there is no trade volume we will have to pay cex for market maker bot trading to keep trading volume on cex otherwise we will be delisted.
We concern this because now it's on depression time, listing on cex now might not best move so we let community decided
there will be vote for listed or not listed we know it's sound not fair for vote, because there much more benefits of listed on cex.
So we will decided by this for fair
now we have holder >= 1,000 wallets
Total vote listed coupon - Total vote not listed coupon >= 10,000 coupon we will listed
It's not that much, so we decided there is no point for withdraw 10% of an initial LP which value of an lp around 2,9xx$ so we will lock until end of this year. we will post prove of lock here.